News and Events


On Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 13:15 in Lecture hall Rydberg Lukas Hrachowina, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics, will publicly defend his doctoral thesis. Title: Growth and characterization of tandem junction photovoltaic...[more]


On Thursday November 18 at 13:30 Athanasios Tsintzis Department of Physics, Solid State Physics, will defend his licentiate thesis with the title "Electronic structure and transport in exotic nanowire structures". The public...[more]


On Friday November 12, 2021 at 13:00 Asmita Jash, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics, will defend her Licentiate thesis: "Photoluminescence Studies of Heterostructured InP Nanowires". The seminar will take place in...[more]


On Friday November 26th, 2021 at 09:15 in Lecture hall Rydberg Anette Löfstrand, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics, will publicly defend her doctoral thesis. Title: Block Copolymer Nanolithography for Sub-50 nm Structure...[more]


On Wednesday October 27, 2021 at 09:15, David Alcer, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics, will defend his licentiate thesis titled: "GaInP Nanowire Growth and Characterization – Towards Tandem Nanowire Solar Cells". The...[more]

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