News and Events


Magnified picture of a prototype of a micro-LED full-color display.

Leading California-based company within quantum dot light-emitting materials and technology, Nanosys, has acquired the NanoLund spin-off company Glo AB – thus forming one of the world’s leading companies in the field of displays. [more]


On Friday June 18th, 2021 at 09:15 in Lecture hall Rydbergsalen Sudhakar Sivakumar, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics, will publicly defend his doctoral thesis. Title: Understanding and Optimization of III-V Nanowire...[more]


On Thursday June 10, 2021 at 10:00 Markus Snellman, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics, will defend his Licentiate thesis: "Aerosol Generated Core-shell Nanoparticles — synthesis and characterization". The seminar will...[more]


On Thursday May 20, 2021 at 14:00 Therese Olsson, Department of Solid State Physics, will defend her Licentiate thesis: "Nanotools for probing and manipulating cells". The public defence will take place on Zoom:...[more]


On Thursday April 29 at 15:00 Ivan Unksov, Department of Solid State Physics, will defend his Licentiate thesis: "Methods for performance characterization of artificial molecular motors". The public defence will take place on...[more]

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