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Programme structure and courses

Programme structure

For students beginning their studies 2020, fall term:

The programme consists of 30 ECTS of compulsory courses (first semester), 60 ECTS of elective course work and finally a Master's thesis project of 30 ECTS, resulting in a 2-year degree (120 ECTS).

As an introduction to the programme, the first semester consists of four compulsory courses (see below), chosen to define the core of the programme and give a platform for the following courses and thesis work. The first semester courses include processing and analysis methods relevant for nanostructures as well as semiconductor physics and a quantum mechanical based description of nanoscale physics phenomena.

The second and third semesters consists of elective courses which the students, in dialogue with the programme coordinator, combine into an individual profile according to interest and background.

The programme is concluded with a Master thesis project of 30 ECTS, where the student is part of a research group and carries out an independent project. The Master thesis may also be completed in collaboration with industry.  The research within NanoLund gives an idea of possible focus areas for thesis work.


The first semester (the initial fall term) consists of four compulsory courses:

Semiconductor Physics (FFFN30) Course plan
Processing and Device Technology (FFFF10) Course plan
The Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures (FFFN35) Course plan
Materials Analysis at the Nanoscale (KASF15) Course plan

During the following two semesters the student enrolls in 60 ECTS of elective courses chosen among those offered within the programme - see course list.